A Practical Roadmap to Supporting Your Aging Parents Living Healthy & Independent

Real talk, practical advice, and science-based information plus 100s of ideas & valuable resources..

Because caring for aging parents can be hard and we want to help.

Here's everything you'll get access to inside:

PDF Workbook with Printable Checklists & Resources

Day 1: How to Perform a Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Day 2: Preventing Loneliness & Isolation

Day 3: Living Independent & Stress-free With a Personalized Lifestyle Plan

Day 4: Helping Mom and Dad Navigate Modern Life

Day 5: A Very Practical Guide to Working Through Resistance and Having Better Conversations

and much more!

Grab your seat in this 5-day Email Course!

(Homework is optional 😜)

    Unsubscribe at any time.

    Susanne Hansen: Your Course Guide
    Susanne writes, speaks and teaches extensively on helping seniors age in place..